about-us-micWe are a small family-owned business, run by all of us together. We value our different personalities and our freedom of creation translates into a range of different approaches and original products. Our small and talented team is made of Anca, Ilonka and Radu and we manage all the steps of the creation process, from start to finish.
Our passion for arts and crafts, together with our passion for unusual and vintage things, made our work aggregate in the products you see in our shop.
We source only the best materials for our art creations – yes, we are a picky bunch! and most of our designs are one of a kind – we have too many ideas and too little time!

Preparing the edges of a book for painting



The Leather Journals
The leather is genuine top grain leather, mostly from Italian tanneries.

The paper we use has a neutral ph and we sew it by hand. Radu is the engine of our team, no piece of paper (or any material for that matter) will withstand his mighty force! It is a lengthy but interesting process and once a book is constructed, the fun begins and the design is unleashed onto the leather cover.


Most of our tools are gathered from old little bookbinderies that closed down – we keep our work space filled with inspiring objects from the golden era of manuscripts and handmade books and give them a new life.
Anca likes to dress up and pose as vintage characters.

The Vintage Goodies
We love vintage fairs here in Europe, antique markets and little antique shops – that doesn’t mean we’re likely to miss an estate sale or auction – you never know when you can find a hidden gem on the bottom of a box. We bargain a lot but also don’t mind paying the right price when something caught our eye or captured our heart. Though we collect all kinds of things, we specialized in keys and padlocks, and we keep in touch with other collectors around the world. Each object is then cleaned a bit, sometimes a bit more – we even do electrolysis at times to remove rust in a non-invasive way! We do have a large collection of old books but they are not going anywhere until we’ve all read them! But you can find loose pages in our shop and other ephemera – beautiful old cabinet photos, vintage stamps (we sometimes find Ilonka surrounded by thousands of stamps, with a magnifier glass in one hand and tweezers in the other, classifying, studying – it’s best to walk away quietly and do not make any air flow around her!)

We hope you enjoy our art, we certainly enjoy having you on our website. Make yourself at home and browse through the pages to know more about us and our work! Oh, and make sure you check our blog for a lot of cool art and craft projects, tutorials and what not. On the bottom of the page you can find other places you can interact with us!

For a sneak peak behind the scenes, take a look at our image gallery